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Postpartum Support

The first 42 days after labor is a crucial time to invest in the rest of your life.

In nearly any other culture the first 6 weeks after giving birth is recognized as an integral time for the birth person's community to support the birth person to heal and rest while their body and mind are, in essence, reborn.

I myself was not physically nor mentally prepared for the roller coaster of emotions and physical turbulence that came my way. 

That is a huge part of why I got into this work.


Postpartum care is the #1 thing mamas talk to me about wishing they had after giving birth

Remember this:
Birth is not just about the birth of your
babe(s), but your own rebirth as well.

Let this soak into your heart and mind.
You too are going through a rebirth of the self.
Just as your babe will need nourishing, rest
and nurturing, so will you.

To Learn more, click below.
Ready to book a consult? Click here

"Mikka was my post partum savior. It was honestly the best investment I made in myself and my family."
-Courtney D.

Organic freshly cooked meals, herbs, teas and oils that are all targeted to support your digestive health, detoxing the body, lactation and overall healing.

Bodywork including warm oil massage and healing herbs sitz baths. 

Yoga and meditation, coaching, breathwork, gentle movement and self care routines to support your body during this time. Everyone's needs are different and so I create a specially curated routine catered to each individual

Rest. Rest, REST...did I say rest :)? I support you with light household duties so that you can optimize your resting time. It is widely recommended to follow the 5 5 5 rule after giving birth. This stands for five days in bed, five days on top of the bed and then five days around the bed.

Infant Care and newborn education


Here's what's included : 

Not sure if this program is right for you? Call me! (415) 569-3351 or email

As birthing humans our instinct to protect our little one above all else is strong and
primal. It is up to our community to feed us, nurture and nourish us as well.
But our current culture has forgotten how.

Mothers tend to be left in the dust to survive, not thrive in the first year postpartum.
Birth partners haven't been given the tools on how to support their loved ones either, and so often are left feeling like failures.

I vow to do my part in ending this and to be a cog in the wheel of change so that all
birthing humans feel held during this most difficult and rewarding time.

"Not only were the meals delicious and nutritious, having her as my guide and support was instrumental.

I overcame baby blues with more grace. My body healed physically and emotionally with her support.

Thank you for everything Mikka!"

- Courtney D.

Postpartum Doula Program

“It seems so freaking obvious now that I am pregnant with my second. I wished I had gotten the care I needed, but I didn't know it was even what I needed. Getting your support was the BEST decision I ever made!” Petra F.

The MANY benefits from pre/postnatal massage: 

Mood elevator - Helps with Anxiety and/or depression. Touch can help release hormones such as Oxytocin, Serotonin and Dopamine 

Endorphin release helps significantly with pain management 

Reduced sciatic pain

click here to book a session

On my massage table, I am very aware that it is not my touch alone that allows tissue to soften.

It is your trust in me and your own body that tells the muscles that it’s safe to release.

It is the connection you make with your breath and your body that creates spaciousness for knots to unravel

And that is what is so exciting about bodywork. It’s communication and it’s dialogue.

Bodywork for Prenatal + Postnatal

Not sure if bodywork is right for you?
Call me! (415) 569-3351 or email

Reduced muscular discomfort

Reduced insomnia and fatigue by promoting a relaxation and sleep

Reduced swelling of hands, feet and ankles

Improved circulation and reduction of toxins in the lymphatic and circulatory system

Improved flexibility and range of motion by releasing tight muscles

*I do not use the words  "Massage therapist" because I am not a licensed Massage Therapist. I have had extensive training in physiology, the mind body connection, trigger point work and other massage modalities. Feel very free to reach out with any questions or concerns

 “I look forward to your healing hands!”
-Kimberely M.

"Mikka has given me and my husband amazing massages. She always tries to find out where my pain points are and works to alleviate that pain, but it's at the same time very relaxing.

Mikka thinks holistically, and recommends other things like specific exercises outside of massage to help with our issues.

She also makes it super easy for my husband and me to get our massages - Mikka comes over to our house with everything needed, and she is really great with our kids."

- Katharina


“Thanks for today. It was wonderful!!!!” 
-Kathryn M.

How can I support you and your family?

Schedule your free
30 min consult