"..THANK YOU for preparing me so well for labor and delivery
(and motherhood more broadly)"


It depends and take the following into account:

-Your body has the hormone relaxin releasing during pregnancy and potentially several months afterwards. This means you are more susceptible to injury as your muscles are more easily over stretched. 

-Most teachers are not fully trained in working with prenatal students. I recommend working with teachers who have the training. 

-I would not recommend any heated classes as they can affect blood pressure as well as over stretching even further.

-I recommend not doing deep big backbends or more advanced stretching (such as one legged pigeon without support) as well as intense breathing exercises like kapatabali. However if deep backbends are in your regular practice and you have someone with you to navigate variations, it might be something you keep.

-If you are a beginner yogi, it's really best to stick with Prenatal yoga. With more advanced practitioners find the balance between feeling good and being safe. You may find some poses are really not feeling good anymore or might feel dangerous, or you don’t feel good the next day etc. 

-Meet yourself where you are at. This means trying not to have expectations of what you “should” or “shouldn't” be doing and know that your body is continuously changing and needs you to be mindful. Remember that you more than likely can practice those poses once your body has healed from labor so give yourself the mental preparation. If you have to Flow; consider alignment based flow or something that's slower so you can pay attention to what doesn’t work anymore. My general thought is if you can be in a class and not worry about spending a lot of time in child's pose, doing maybe half the vinyasas and have a comfortable alternative to sivasana then you can try staying in vinyasa but maybe take a prenatal class once a week.

-Third trimester - lying on your back probably won't feel good anymore. Planks can be very dangerous as they put intense pressure on the Linnea Alba and can further exacerbate diastasis recti. If you cannot engage your abdominals or you see or feel a pooch - definitely don't do plank!

In general - 

Wait at least 6 weeks for vaginal birth and 8 weeks Cesarean birth.

You should be bleeding or spotting at all-this is indicative of your uterus shrinking an healing so you are most susceptible.

You need to be cleared by your midwife or doctor.

Also note -

 The “fourth” trimester sets you up for the next 40 years of your life. This means, the more you slowly ease into physical practice or exercise (especially running or high impact) the better chance you have at healing faster

I personally do NOT recommend crunches for around a year after giving birth and definitely not if you have diastasis recti.

Ah, the Kegel debate.

Here’s the dealio, Dr. Kegel was a man (already feel sceptical about a man telling me what I need to do with my body) who invented a machine that could tell what muscles in the pelvis were weak or unresponsive. He would then teach patients how to engage the necessary muscles.

Flash forward to now, most people do not use machines to tell us what to strengthen and so we just squeeze whatever hoping for the best. This can actually cause more harm than good. Do you want to have a strong pelvic floor? Absolutely!

But you first need to understand your own to know what you actually need to do. For more info, check out the articles/books below and feel free to reach out as pelvic floor yoga is a speciality of mine. I often offer workshops as well. Check it out here:

Why Kegels may sometimes do more harm than good

Pelvic Liberation

Products for Moms

Pooping is hard enough when you are not pregnant or postpartum but man oh man that first poop after you’ve had a baby takes the cake! I highly recommend getting some sort of elevation for your feet so that the angle of your pelvis is much more conducive to an easier release. The truth is, yoga blocks can often be effective and/or a toddler stool (what I am currently using) but if you want a more commercial option check out some options.

squatty potty

check it out

teas + other holistic remedies

yoni steaming (not prenatal)


yoga blocks

Boa bei belt

Do not where Boa Bei Belt all the time or your muscles will weaken. Great to wear in the times you have pain-walking, yoga class etc.

Service Request

All in San Francisco Bay area

First off, what is a Doula?

I think the best way to think of it is this: a Doctor or Midwife is there to focus on the medical and to be proactive and reactive should any issues arise. A Doula is there as a non-medical provider to support you and your partner (should they be with you) from the beginning to end. A Doula will come earlier during labor.

They often come to your house not just for home births but because you won't go to the birthing facility until the labor has progressed. You will have had time to talk about plans and what you would like in the way of support. They provide things like; massage, positioning help, emotional support and advocacy if needed. They are also there for the partner, should they be present

Generally speaking, a partner doesn't always know what to do and it can be an overwhelming experience for them. A Doula will guide and support them as well. 
My Doula was Alli Cuentos. I can't recommend her enough!!! She reminded me to breath, eat and provided every tool out there basically to guide me. 

I also found some very highly rated groups/individuals you might want to check out: 


Natural resources not only has a list but also an opportunity to "Meet the Doulas". If you go, tell me about it because I would love to hear feedback!

I would definitely recommend interviewing Doulas first. You want to make sure they feel right and that you trust them, or could trust them with a little time ;). 

Look this over and don't hesitate to ask any questions or voice any concerns you have.

Lorena Sanchez - PRE/POSTnatal massage Graduate from the National Holistic Institute. She does house calls and travels all over SF plus the Peninsula. Phone number: 415.947.9725 I’ve heard really awesome things about her thus far! (If you go here, drop my name cause I get a free massage with every 3 referrals :)).

Kari Marble is a masseuse and yoga instructor plus childbirth educator. Loved by many (including me) 

Mama Lounge: not only provides support through massage but is also a great place to connect with community and gain more support as a new mama bear.

East West Integrative Medicine Clinic: Massage, Acupuncture, Mayan abdominal massage, Alexander technique and so much other amazing modalities - check it out!

Blue Ova: pre/post natal and infant massage and acupuncture  

The Acupuncture Den: Acupuncture, cupping, Gua Sha and lots else. Plus they serve babies and children too!

Innerwave Bodywork: Myofascial release, trigger point and cranial sacral therapy. Works with babies too

Mamas Resource Network: Acupuncture, Midwives, massage and more.

This is a great place to start but let me know if you're still having trouble or have further questions. I ‘ve got more up my sleeve :)

I'm also throwing in recommendations for general aches and pains that you might want to try out:

General aches/pains/muscle spasms when waking up or throughout night in particular

-Make sure you have a really good prenatal vitamins like Rainbow (personal favorite)
-Loose leaf pregnancy tea 3-4 cups a day (Scarlett Sage on Valencia)
-Epsom salt baths, magnesium/potassium supplements 


Check out my my ten minute videos to help you ease those muscles aches. Practice this in the morning right you wake up and in the evening right before going to bed